Entertainment / Baseball / Bench Clearer: These often follow a beanball. It'sa fight or brawl on the field that results in both teams coming off their respective benches (and sometimes their bullpens if things get really out of hand).
Search Google for Bench Clearer:
Business / Human Resources (HR) / External Benchmarking: The process of comparing an organization’s current policies and practices to that of a competitor organization(s) to determine current and future trends in areas of employment and business practice MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Optical Bench: Is a device for measuring the optical performance of lenses. MORE
Business / Finance / Customized Benchmarks: The total amount of credit given by NYSE member firms to finance customers purchasing securities. MORE
Business / Finance / British Clearers: The large clearing banks that dominate deposit taking and short-term lending in the domestic sterling market. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Benchmarks: The standards used as a basis for comparison or measurement. MORE
Business / Finance / Post-Trade Benchmarks: Prices after the decision to trade. MORE