
Entertainment / Baseball / Blue: Refers to the umpires (because of their blue uniforms)
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Other Words for Blue

Blue Adjective Synonyms: depressed, low-spirited, dispirited, sad, dismal, down, down in the mouth, gloomy, unhappy, glum, downcast, crestfallen, chap-fallen, dejected, melancholy, despondent, downhearted, morose


Technology / Cell Phones / Bluetooth: Wireless personal area network (PAN) standard that enables data connections between electronic devices such as desktop computers, wireless phones, electronic organizers and printers in the 2.4 GHz ran MORE

Blue Sky Laws

Business / Taxes / Blue Sky Laws: Blue sky laws require companies that sell stock, mutual funds, and other financial products to register new issues with the appropriate public agency. They must also provide financial details of each MORE

Bols Blue Curacao

Entertainment / Liquor / Bols Blue Curacao: Blue colored Dutch West Indian Curacao orange liqueur. Produced under the supervision of the directors of the Royal Distilleries of Erven Lucas Bols in Holland. 60 proof. MORE

Colorado Blue Spruce

Life Style / Christmas Trees / Colorado Blue Spruce: Colorado blue spruce, or blue spruce, is an attractive tree often used for Christmas trees or as ornamentals, particularly in the eastern United States and Europe. It is the official state tree of bot MORE

Jamaica Blue Mountain Style

Life Style / Coffee / Jamaica Blue Mountain Style: Various blends of coffee intended by their originators to approximate the qualities of authentic Jamaica Blue Mountain. These blends may contain no actual Jamaican coffee. MORE

Blue Knights

Technology / Motorcycle / Blue Knights: The Blue Knights® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men and women who enjoy riding motorcycles. MORE