Entertainment / Baseball / Bottom: The second half of an inning.
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Bottom Noun Synonyms: seat, buttocks, rear, behind, rear end, rump, posterior, hindquarters, breech, fundament, gluteus maximus, backside, butt, prat, bum , can, duff, keister or keester, hinie, arse, ass, tokus, tochis
Business / Taxes / Bottom Fishing: Investors using a bottom-fishing strategy look for stocks that they consider undervalued because the prices are low. The logic of bottom fishing is that stock prices sometimes fall further than a comp MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Bottom End: Bottom End refers to the bottom portion of a motorcycle engine including the crankshaft, connecting rods and bearings, primary chain, cam sprockets, seals, and other components that support delivering MORE
Business / Finance / Bottom-Up Equity Management Style: A management style that de-emphasizes the significance of economic and market cycles, focusing instead on the analysis of individual stocks. MORE
Business / Construction / Bottom chord : The lower or bottom horizontal member of a truss. MORE
Business / Finance / Double Bottom: A market consisting of many sellers and many buyers, as opposed to a conventional auction with one market maker and many buyers. MORE
Business / Finance / Rising Bottoms: Chart pattern showing an increasing trend in the daily low prices of a security or commodity. MORE