Catchers Box

Entertainment / Baseball / Catchers Box: Area behind home plate in which the catcher must stand until the pitcher delivers the ball.
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Other Words for Box

Box Noun Synonyms: case, receptacle, crate, carton, container, casket, coffer, caddy, chest
Box Verb Synonyms: crate, encase, package


Business / Finance / Lockbox: A collection and processing service provided to firms by banks, which collect payments from a dedicated postal box to which the firm directs its customers to send payment to. The banks make several co MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Lightbox: Box of fluorescent tubes balanced for white light and covered with translucent glass or plastic. Used for viewing, registering or correcting film negatives and positives. MORE

Matte Box

Entertainment / Photography / Matte Box: Is a mask used to make images suitable for wide-screen projection. MORE

Mirror Box

Entertainment / Photography / Mirror Box: Is a box containing one or more mirrors, usually angled to the light beam, as in the main body of an slr camera. MORE

On The Box

Technology / Motorcycle / On The Box: A top-three finish that puts a rider on the victory podium. “I was happy just to get on the box today.” MORE

Letterbox Mode

Technology / Television (TV) / Letterbox Mode: A method of presenting widescreen images on a standard screen television. In order to preserve the aspect ratio of the original video content, the picture is scaled down so that it fits the available MORE