Entertainment / Baseball / Count: The number of called balls and strikes on a hitter.
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Count Verb Synonyms: include, consider, regard, deem, judge, look on or upon
Count Noun Synonyms: count up or off, enumerate, number, calculate, add up, total, reckon, compute, tally, figure up, quantify, figure out
Business / Finance / Counterparty Risk: Party on the other side of a trade or transaction. MORE
Business / Finance / Less-Developed Countries (Ldcs): Also known as emerging markets. Countries who's per capita GDP is below a World Bank-determined level. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Countertransference: The therapists emotional reactions to the patient that are based on the therapists unconscious needs and conflicts, as distinguished from his or her conscious responses to the patients behavior. Count MORE
Business / Agriculture / Countervailing Duty: A charge levied on an imported article to offset the unfair price advantage it holds due to a subsidy paid to producers or exporters by the government of the exporting country. Section 303 of the Tari MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Countercurrent: A current usually setting in a direc tion opposite to that of a main current. See Equatorial Countercurrent. MORE
Business / Agriculture / County Committees: Panels of three to five farmers, elected by other farmers, to oversee the local operation of commodity programs, credit, and other programs of the Farm Service Agency. County committees, established b MORE