Entertainment / Baseball / Curtain Call: The practice of a player coming out of the dugout to acknowledge the call of the fans, usually after a home run.
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Call Verb Synonyms: shout, cry (out), hail, yell, roar, bellow, call out, holler
Call Noun Synonyms: shout, cry, yell, whoop, holler
Business / Finance / Graduated Call Writing: The time period stipulated in most loan contracts and insurance policies during which a late payment will not result in default or cancellation. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): A term, currently used most often in international trade discussions, that designates crops that carry new traits that have been inserted through advanced genetic engineering methods (e.g., Flavr Save MORE
Technology / Programming / Function Call: A function call is another way to refer to calling a method that has been declared and defined elsewhere. For instance: methodname():, MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Front Curtain Synchronization: When the flash fires an instant after the front curtain of a focal plane shutter has completed its travel across the film plane. MORE
Business / Finance / Great Call: Describes the sale of securities that have not officially been issued to firms other than the underwriting syndicate. This type of market serves as a good indicator of demand for a new issue in the pu MORE
Business / Finance / House Call: A type of account at a brokerage firm that is given a high level of priority and is handled by the main office or an executive, rather than a traditional salesperson. MORE