Entertainment / Baseball / Cutter: A cut fastball (one with a late break to it).
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Business / Machine Shop / Plain Cutter: A milling cutter with cutting teeth on the periphery (circumference) only. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Side Cutter: A milling cutter that has cutting teeth on the side as well as on the periphery or circumference. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Slabbing Cutter: A wide, plain milling cutter having helical teeth. Used for producing large, flat surfaces. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Milling Cutter: A cutting tool, generally cylindrical in shape used on a milling machine and operated essentially like a circular saw. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Inserted-Tooth Cutter: A milling cutter designed with replaceable cutting tooth inserts to save the expense of a new cutter whenever the teeth become damaged or worn. Generally, they are made 6 inches or more in diameter. MORE