Entertainment / Baseball / Defense: The team currently in the field.
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Defense Noun Synonyms: shelter, protection, cover, guard, safeguard, shield
Entertainment / Football / 50 Defense: A once popular college defense with 5 defensive linemen and 2 linebackers. Also known as the 'Oklahoma Defense,' it is structurally very similar to the 3-4. In the 50-defense, the team uses a nose tac MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Defense Mechanism: Automatic psychological process that protects the individual against anxiety and from awareness of internal or external stressors or dangers. Defense mechanisms mediate the individuals reaction to emo MORE
Entertainment / Football / Prevent Defense: A defensive strategy that utilizes deep zone coverage in order to prevent a big pass play from happening down field, usually at the expense of giving up yards at shorter distances. Often used against MORE
Entertainment / Football / Nickel Defense: When a defense brings in a 5th defensive back to replace a linebacker on the field, increasing its pass coverage. MORE
Business / Finance / Macaroni Defense: A tactic used by a corporation that is the target of a hostile takeover bid involving the issue of a large number of bonds that must be redeemed at a higher value if the company is taken over. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Man-To-Man Defense: The defense mandatory in the NBA, where each defensive player is responsible for guarding one opponent. MORE