Entertainment / Baseball / Double Header: Two games played in immediate succession.
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Double Adjective Synonyms: folded or doubled or bent over, overlapped, two-ply
Double Verb Synonyms: twofold, paired, coupled, duplicate(d), doubled
Business / Finance / Double Top: Government taxation of the same money twice; specifically, taxation of earnings at the corporate level and dividends at the stockholder level. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Double Tide: A double-headed tide, that is, a high water consisting of two maxima of nearly the same height separated by a relatively small depression, or a low water consisting of two minima separated by a relati MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Double Team: When two players from the same team move up to guard one offensive player it's called a double team. When two players cover an offensive player in a corner it's also known as a 'trap'. MORE
Business / Finance / Double Taxation: Used for listed equity securities. Dividend roll in which the 'dividend capturer' already owns the stock cum dividend . MORE
Business / Finance / Double Up: A term used in technical analysis to refer to the rise of a stock's price, a drop, and then a rise back to the same level as the original rise. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Double Wing: A formation with 2 tight ends & 2 wingbacks in which the snap is tossed by the center between his legs to the quarterback or halfback moderately deep in the backfield. MORE