Entertainment / Basketball / Boxing Out: A player's attempt to position his body between his opponents and the basket to get rebounds and prevent the opponents from doing so.
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Out Adverb Synonyms: outside, outdoors, in or into the open air
Out Adjective Synonyms: outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral
Business / Construction / Pad Out, Pack Out: To shim out or add strips of wood to a wall or ceiling in order that the finished ceiling/wall will appear correct. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Outwelling: The outflow of nutrients from an estuary or salt-marsh system to shelf waters MORE
Science / Geology / Outwash: A glaciofluvial sediment that is deposited by meltwater streams emanating from a glacier. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Parental Lockout: Parental Lockout allows users to set a password to control access to programming based on channel, rating or content. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Pass Out: When an attacking player, who is behind his opponentÃs goal, has the puck and he passes it to a teammate who is in front of the opponentÃs goal. MORE
Business / Finance / Payout Ratio: Generally, the proportion of earnings paid out to the common stockholders as cash dividends. More specifically, the firm's cash dividend divided by the firm's earnings in the same reporting period. MORE