Entertainment / Basketball / Chest Pass: This pass is performed best by stepping towards your target with one foot, then pushing the ball out towards their chest with two hands while turning the hands over, ending with the thumbs pointing down. It is best used in the open court and on the perimeter.
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Chest Noun Synonyms: box, coffer, trunk, strongbox, caddy, casket, case
Pass Verb Synonyms: evacuate, void, eliminate, excrete, defecate, urinate
Pass Noun Synonyms: free pass, complimentary ticket, twofer, Annie Oakley
Pass Adjective Synonyms: proceed, move (onwards), go (ahead), progress, extend, lie, run, flow, fly, roll, course, stream, drift, sweep
Life Style / Travel / Passenger Type: Provides the ability to specify fares and fees based on the classification of the passenger. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Passepied: French Baroque court dance type: a faster version of the minuet. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Passer Rating: (also quarterback rating) a numeric value used to measure of the performance of quarterbacks. It was formulated in 1973 and it uses the player's completion percentage, passing yards, touchdowns and in MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Passenger Pegs: Passenger Pegs are pegs wide enough to support the foot of a passenger (pillion) while riding. They are mounted directly under the passenger. Sometimes, floorboards are used in the place of Passenger MORE
Life Style / Travel / Passenger name record (PNR) : The official name of one's reservation in a computer reservation system (crs). MORE