Entertainment / Basketball / Chin It: The position of the ball after a rebound: directly under the chin with the elbows and fingers up.
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Health / Dentistry / Peri-Implantitis: General term defining disease process surrounding and/or involving implanted foreign materials. Can be traumatic, ulcerative, resorptive, exfoliative. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Performance Monitoring: The practice of monitoring employees while they perform their jobs through the use of surveillance cameras, telephone or computer monitoring. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Pericoronitis: An inflammation of the gum tissue around the crown of a tooth, usually the third molar. MORE
Science / Geology / Peridotite: A dark-colored, coarse-grained igneous rock that is made up mainly of olivine and pyroxene, with very little quartz or feldspar. Picture of Peridotite. MORE
Business / Finance / Period-Certain Annuity: An annuity that provides guaranteed payments to an annuitant for a specified period of time. MORE
Health / Fitness / Performance Benefit: Improvements in physical fitness as a result of exercise. MORE