Clear Out

Entertainment / Basketball / Clear Out: When an offensive player leaves an area so the ball handler has more room to maneuver.
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Other Words for Clear

Clear Adjective Synonyms: unclouded, cloudless, sunny, fair, sunlit, fine
Clear Adverb Synonyms: distinctly, clearly, starkly, perceptibly, discernibly, understandably, prominently
Clear Verb Synonyms: exonerate, absolve, acquit, excuse, forgive
Clear Synonyms: unencumbered, free, net

Other Words for Out

Out Adjective Synonyms: outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral
Out Adverb Synonyms: outside, outdoors, in or into the open air

Outside Director

Business / Finance / Outside Director: A director of a company who is not an employee of that company and brings in outside experience to help make board decisions. MORE

Outside Corner

Business / Construction / Outside Corner: The point at which two walls form an external angle, one you usually can walk around. MORE

Outside Cabin

Life Style / Travel / Outside Cabin: A cabin having window(s) or porthole(s) offering an exterior view. MORE


Entertainment / Football / Outside: Opposite of inside MORE

Outside Market

Business / Finance / Outside Market: Used in the context of general equities. Outside the inside market (above the lowest offering and below the highest bid). MORE

Outside Of You

Business / Finance / Outside Of You: Used for listed equity securities. Another order bidding for or offering stock at the same price that the trader has put on the floor himself, represented by another broker in the trading crowd. These MORE