Court Vision

Entertainment / Basketball / Court Vision: A player's ability to see everything on the court during play ‹ such as where his teammates and defenders are set up ‹ which enables him to make better choices in passing; a highly desirable quality in a point guard.
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Other Words for Vision

Vision Adjective Synonyms: far-sightedness, understanding, imagination, foresight, foresightedness, insight
Vision Noun Synonyms: eyesight, perception, sight

Porcupine Provision

Business / Finance / Porcupine Provision: Often used in risk arbitrage. See: Shark repellent. MORE

Persons Using Television (PUT)

Technology / Television (TV) / Persons Using Television (PUT): A measurement of the total number of people in the target audience who are watching television for five minutes or longer during an average quarter-hour. PUT is generally expressed as a percent. MORE

Patrick Division

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Patrick Division: With the adams division made up the wales conference until the 1992-93 season; renamed the atlantic division of the eastern conference starting with the 1993-94 season. MORE

Panchromatic Vision Filter

Entertainment / Photography / Panchromatic Vision Filter: Filter through which the subject can be viewed approximately as it would appear in monochrome as recorded by a panchromatic emulsion. MORE

Provision For Income Taxes

Business / Finance / Provision For Income Taxes: An amount on the P & I statement that estimates a company's total income tax liability for the year. MORE

Provisional Ball

Entertainment / Golf / Provisional Ball: (also 'provisional') an additional shot played in a situation where it is believed that the original ball may be out of bounds or lost (the shot is played before leaving the area of the original shot) MORE