Entertainment / Basketball / Curl Cut: A cut off a screen toward the basket; is used when the defender is trailing the cutter.
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Cut Noun Synonyms: share, portion, percentage, piece, dividend, commission
Cut Adjective Synonyms: abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened, edited, curtailed
Cut Verb Synonyms: gash, slash, incision, nick, wound
Entertainment / Basketball / Fish-Hook Cut: A change-of-direction cut that takes the shape of a fish hook and is used as a pressure release. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Flycutter: A single-point cutter mounted on a bar in a flycutter holder or a flycutter arborused for special applications for which a milling cutter is not available. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Fade Cut: A cut used by an offensive player coming off a screen when the defender is is a sagging position. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Executrix: A female person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his or her last will and testament, and to dispose of his or her property according to the provisions of the will. S MORE
Business / Real Estate / Executory Contract: A contract under which something remains to be done by one or more of the parties. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Formed Cutters: Milling cutters, which will produce shaped surfaces with a single cut are so designed that they may be sharpened without changing their outline or shape. MORE