Entertainment / Basketball / Down Screen: A move by an offensive player toward the baseline to set a screen for a teammate.
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Screen Noun Synonyms: shelter, protection, shield, cover
Screen Verb Synonyms: partition, (room) divider, paravent, wall
Entertainment / Photography / Pola-Screen: Another term for a polarizing filter. MORE
Health / Fitness / Pose Down: Bodybuilders performing their poses at the same time in a competition, trying to out pose one another. MORE
Science / Biology / Presymptomatic Screening: Testing to detect genetic disorders that only become apparent later in life. The tests are done before the condition actually appears, such as with Huntington disease. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Point-After-Touchdown (PAT): A place kick taken from the opponent’s 2-yard line (3-yard line in college); awarded to a team that has scored a touchdown, it is worth 1 point if it goes through the goalpost. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Playing The Ball Down: (also 'playing it down') playing the ball as it lies, as opposed to improving the lie MORE