Drop Step

Entertainment / Basketball / Drop Step: Also called a 'reverse pivot', the drop step is a move in which the player posting up takes a back step on the side of a defender behind him and spins to that side to gain leverage.
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Other Words for Drop

Drop Noun Synonyms: bit, spot, particle, taste, dram, sip, nip, pinch, dash, dab, smidgen or smidgin
Drop Verb Synonyms: globule, bead, drip, droplet, tear

Other Words for Step

Step Verb Synonyms: movement, move
Step Noun Synonyms: footfall, footstep, tread


Entertainment / Golf / Step: Ridges or creases commonly seen around the circumference of steel shafts, creating a terraced taper in the shaft rather than the smooth continuous taper seen in most graphite shafts MORE

St Stephens Day

Life Style / Holiday / St Stephens Day: March 17, the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick, is the day the Irish celebrate being Irish. Although St. Patrick is likely from England or Wales he lived in Ireland about the same time as St. D MORE

Step 2 Payments

Business / Agriculture / Step 2 Payments: One of the three cotton competitiveness provisions intended to keep U.S. cotton competitive in domestic and export markets. Under the Step 2 provision, USDA is required to issue marketing certificates MORE

Step Aerobics

Health / Fitness / Step Aerobics: A choreographed routine of stepping up and down on a rectangular, square, or circular platform. MORE

Step Block

Business / Machine Shop / Step Block: A fixture designed like a series step to provide support at various heights required for setups. MORE

Step Aside

Business / Finance / Step Aside: A change in the yield curve where the spread between the yield on a long-term and short-term Treasury has increased. Compare flattening of the yield curve and butterfly shift. MORE