Entertainment / Basketball / End Line: Also caled the baseline. This line extends across both ends of the court behind the baskets.
Search Google for End Line:
End Noun Synonyms: close, termination, conclusion, cessation, expiration, finish, completion, finale, ending, wind-up, denouement or d�nouement
End Adjective Synonyms: extremity, extreme, extent, bound, boundary, tip, limit, terminus
End Verb Synonyms: kill, put to death, annihilate, exterminate, terminate, extinguish, destroy, ruin
Line Adjective Synonyms: mark, pencil-mark, pen-mark, rule, score, stroke, underline, underscore, diagonal, slash, virgule, shilling-mark, solidus, separatrix, oblique
Line Verb Synonyms: interline, cover, face, ceil
Line Noun Synonyms: wrinkle, crease, crinkle, furrow, crow's-foot
Entertainment / Literature / Mendicant Orders: Orders of wandering monks who lived by begging. In the Middle Ages, the clergy was divided into secular clergy and regular clergy. The secular (i.e., 'worldly') clergy dealt with secular concerns such MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Mendoza Line: Figurative boundary in the batting averages between those batters hitting above and below .215, Mario Mendoza's career average. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Midcourt Line: The line in the middle of the court that separates the frontcourt from the backcourt. MORE
Health / Massage / Middendorf Breathwork: Through a series of spontaneous movement exercises, participants use basic sensing, focusing, vocalizing, and hands-on techniques to consciously experience the meaning of their personal breath movemen MORE
Science / Genetics / Mendelian Inheritance: One method in which genetic traits are passed from parents to offspring. Named for gregor mendel, who first studied and recognized the existence of genes and this method of inheritance. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Mendelevium (Md): Atomic number: 101, Atomic mass: (258) g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: unknown, Melting point: unknown, Boiling point: unknown, Vanderwaals radius: unknown, Ionic radius: unknown, Isoto MORE