Entertainment / Basketball / Foul Lane: Usually just called 'the lane' or 'the paint.' The painted area bordered by the end line and the foul line, outside which players must stand during a free-throw; also the area an offensive player cannot spend more than 3 seconds at a time in.
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Foul Verb Synonyms: offensive, loathsome, disgusting, obnoxious, revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, sickening, nauseous, nauseating, nasty, beastly, fulsome
Foul Adjective Synonyms: smelly, stinking, noisome, fetid or foetid, rank, evil-smelling, foul-smelling, malodorous, musty, mephitic, graveolent
Technology / Motorcycle / Pit Lane: The lane on the inside of the track, usually adjacent to the main straight, where riders come in to have quick work or tire changes on their motorcycles. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Personal Foul: A foul that might cause injury; punishable by a 15-yard penalty. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Passing Lane: The area between two offensive players where a pass can be made. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Nodal Plane: Is an imaginary line passing through the nodal point, perpendicular to the optical axis. MORE