Front Pivot

Entertainment / Basketball / Front Pivot: Moving forward while turning on the pivot foot.
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Other Words for Front

Front Adjective Synonyms: frontage, forefront
Front Verb Synonyms: face, facade, facing, fore-part, anterior, obverse
Front Noun Synonyms: beginning, head, fore, vanguard, forefront, van

Other Words for Pivot

Pivot Noun Synonyms: pintle, gudgeon, hinge, swivel, pin, kingpin, spindle, fulcrum
Pivot Verb Synonyms: centre, heart, focal point, hub, nave, crux

Markowitz Efficient Frontier

Business / Finance / Markowitz Efficient Frontier: The graphical depiction of the Markowitz efficient set of portfolios representing the boundary of the set of feasible portfolios that have the maximum return for a given level of risk. Any portfolios MORE


Science / Weather / Katafront: A front where the warm air descends the frontal surface, except in the low layers of the atmosphere. MORE

Minimum-Variance Frontier

Business / Finance / Minimum-Variance Frontier: Graph of the lowest possible portfolio variance that is attainable for a given portfolio expected return. MORE

Occluded Front

Science / Weather / Occluded Front: Also known as an occlusion, it is a complex front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front. It develops when three thermally different air masses conflict. The type of frontal boundary they cre MORE


Entertainment / Basketball / Pivot: The center; also the foot that must remain touching the floor until a ball handler who has stopped dribbling is ready to pass or shoot. MORE

Gust Front

Science / Weather / Gust Front: The leading edge of the cool, gusty surface winds produced by thunderstorm downdrafts. Sometimes confused with an outflow boundary. MORE