High Post

Entertainment / Basketball / High Post: Imaginary area outside either side of the foul lane at the free-throw line.
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Other Words for High

High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone

Other Words for Post

Post Verb Synonyms: place, put, station, assign, appoint, position, situate, set, locate
Post Adverb Synonyms: pole, stake, upright, column, pillar, pale, picket, shaft, standard, newel, pier, pylon, pile, piling, strut, shore, stanchion, leg, prop, stay, support, brace
Post Noun Synonyms: assignment, appointment, position, situation, job, place, duty, role, function, employment, work, task, chore


Science / Weather / Mesohigh: A small, concentrated area of high pressure that may be created by the cold outflow and rain-cooled air from thunderstorms. It often forms a pseudo cold front or squall line on its leading edges. MORE


Business / Construction / Monopost: Adjustable metal column used to support a beam or bearing point. Normally 11 gauge or Schedule 40 metal, and determined by the structural engineer MORE

New High-New Low

Business / Finance / New High-New Low: A stock valued at its highest or lowest price in the last year. MORE

Newel Post

Business / Construction / Newel Post: The large starting post to which the end of a stair guard railing or balustrade is fastened. MORE

Mean Higher High Water Line (MHHWL)

Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Higher High Water Line (MHHWL): The line on a chart or map which represents the intersection of the land with the water surface at the elevation of mean higher high water. MORE

Mean Higher High Water (MHHW)

Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Higher High Water (MHHW): A tidal datum. The average of the higher high water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. For stations with shorter series, comparison of simultaneous observations wit MORE