Entertainment / Basketball / Inside Cut: When the offensive player passes the ball to a teammate and cuts to the basket looking for a return pass.
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Cut Adjective Synonyms: abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened, edited, curtailed
Cut Verb Synonyms: gash, slash, incision, nick, wound
Cut Noun Synonyms: share, portion, percentage, piece, dividend, commission
Inside Adjective Synonyms: fundamentally, basically, at bottom, by nature
Inside Noun Synonyms: favoured, advantageous, favorable, advantaged, privileged, preferred, preferential, propitious, exclusive, internal, private, secret, confidential, privy, clandestine
Inside Adverb Synonyms: within, inside of
Inside Verb Synonyms: interior, centre, core, middle, heart, contents, lining, backing
Entertainment / Bowling / Inside Line: A starting point (well, release point too) near the center of the lane as opposed to the outside, near the edge of the lane; but, when deep deep inside you may actually be near the opposite gutter! To MORE
Business / Finance / Inside Market: Used in the context of general equities. In-line expression of interest in a particular stock, usually asking the firm to bid for or offer stock. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Inside Cut: When the offensive player passes the ball to a teammate and cuts to the basket looking for a return pass. MORE
Business / Construction / Inside Corner: The point at which two walls form an internal angle, as in the corner of a room. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Inside: Inside of a player's path: relatively close (in reference to the sides of the field) to where the ball was snapped from. Thus, a ballcarrier's path in crossing the neutral zone may be said to be 'insi MORE
Life Style / Travel / Inside Cabin: A cabin having no exterior-facing (sea-view) windows or portholes. (see 'atrium cabins' for a new wrinkle in inside cabin definitions.) MORE