L Cut

Entertainment / Basketball / L Cut: A cut in the shape of the letter 'L' that is used when the defender is in the passing lane but is playying very loosely.
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Other Words for Cut

Cut Verb Synonyms: gash, slash, incision, nick, wound
Cut Adjective Synonyms: abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened, edited, curtailed
Cut Noun Synonyms: share, portion, percentage, piece, dividend, commission

Organizational Unit

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Unit: An organizational unit is any component that is part of the contractor's corporate structure. In a more traditional organization, it might be a department, division, section, branch or group. In a les MORE

Organizational Transformation

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Transformation: Refers to organization-wide changes, such as restructuring operations, introducing new technologies, processes, services or products, implementing new programs, re-engineering, etc. MORE


Business / Agriculture / Organoleptic: Relating to the senses (taste, color, odor, feel). Traditional USDA meat and poultry inspection techniques are considered organoleptic because inspectors perform a variety of such procedures—involvi MORE


Science / Astrology / Oriental: Literally eastern; said of a planet that rises and sets before the Sun. The oriental planet, called the leading planet, is the one that will rise immediately before the Sun; i.e., the planet that dire MORE

Original Basis

Business / Real Estate / Original Basis: The sum of the purchase price of a property plus buying expenses on acquisition. MORE

Oriental Houses

Science / Astrology / Oriental Houses: Houses that lie in the eastern (oriental) hemisphere of a horoscope, houses one, two, three, ten, eleven, and twelve. Sometimes used to describe those houses moving away (clockwise) from the horizon ( MORE