Entertainment / Basketball / Offense: The team with the ball.
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Entertainment / Basketball / Triangle Offense: The offensive scheme of the 1990¹s, as practiced by the Chicago Bulls and now the L.A. Lakers. Invented at USC in the 1940's, coach Tex Winter brought it to Chicago in 1985 but it was not fully imple MORE
Entertainment / Football / West Coast Offense: An offensive philosophy that uses short, high-percentage passes as the core of a ball-control offense. Was invented in Cincinnati under coach Paul Brown in the mid 1970s. Is now widely used in the NFL MORE
Entertainment / Football / Wildcat Offense: An offensive philosophy that dictates that either a quarterback or a running back can receive a direct snap from the snapper; it is often compared to the single wing. MORE
Entertainment / Football / A-11 Offense: An offensive philosophy designed to appear as if all 11 players are eligible receivers. The offense exploits a loophole in the American football rulebook to technically make the formation a scrimmage MORE
Entertainment / Football / Total Offense: Is a statistic that combines yards rushing and yards passing. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Option Offense: An offense heavily relying upon the option run and variations thereof. MORE