Entertainment / Basketball / Period: Any quarter, half or overtime segment.
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Period Noun Synonyms: interval, time, term, span, duration, spell, space, stretch, while, patch
Business / Accounting / Periodic Inventory: A Periodic Inventory is one whose balance is updated on a periodic basis, ie. every week/month/year. See Inventory . MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Patristic Period: The time of the 'church fathers,' i.e., the time of the early Church and the Church's first theologians, running through the last days of the apostles through the time of Saint Augustine's conversion MORE
Science / Biology / Ordovician Period: Geologic period of the Paleozoic Era after the Cambrian Period between 500 and 435 million years ago. Major advances during this period include the bony fish and possibly land plants (during the late MORE
Health / Dentistry / Elimination Period: This is the period of time between the date the disability begins and the beginning of the benefit payment period. It is the period during which an employee must be disabled before payment of benefits MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Periodic Style: A style of writing in which the sentences tend to be periodic. See discussion under periodic sentence, above. Periodic style in English is usually considered indirect or artificially 'artsy' in compar MORE
Business / Finance / Plan Period: Another term for Forecast Period. MORE