Entertainment / Basketball / Pick: When a player establishes position between the ball carrier and a defender. Moving picks are a violation. Also used as screens. See below.
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Pick Noun Synonyms: pluck, gather, collect, harvest, bring or take in, garner
Pick Verb Synonyms: provoke, foment, incite, start, initiate, work or stir up
Entertainment / Basketball / Pick And Roll: Pick and Roll is an offensive play in which a player stops to screen (block) a defender for the teammate handling the ball and then slips behind the defender to accept a pass as the handler makes a mo MORE
Business / Finance / Pickup Bond: A bond with a relatively high coupon that is close to the date at which it is callable, meaning that a fall in interest rates will most likely cause early redemption of the bond at a premium. MORE
Business / Finance / Pickup: The gain in yield that occurs when a block of bonds is swapped for another block of higher-coupon bonds. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Pickup Pattern: In microphones, the shape of the space in which the microphone is sensitive to sound. Common patterns include omnidirectional and cardioid. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Pickup Syllable: Another term the unstressed syllable in anacrusis. MORE
Business / Finance / Pure Yield Pickup Swap: Moving to higher yield-bonds. MORE