Entertainment / Basketball / Possession: To be holding or in control of the ball.
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Possession Verb Synonyms: ownership, title, proprietorship, control, hold, tenure, keeping, care, custody, guardianship, protection
Possession Adjective Synonyms: holding, territory, province, dominion, colony, protectorate
Business / Real Estate / Adverse Possession: The acquiring of title to real property owned by someone else by means of open, notorious, hostile and continuous possession for a statutory period of time. The burden to prove title is on the possess MORE
Business / Accounting / Repossession: When the creditor takes back an item that has been purchased, because of nonpayment. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Suit For Possession: A court suit initiated by a landlord to evict a tenant from leased premises after the tenant has breached one of the terms of the lease or has held possession of the property after the leases expirati MORE
Entertainment / Football / Time Of Possession: The amount of time one team has the ball in its possession relative to the other team. Since there are 60 minutes in a non-overtime game, and one team or another always has possession of the ball, the MORE
Business / Real Estate / Unity Of Possession: One of the four unities required to create a joint tenancy. All joint tenants hold an undivided right to possession. MORE
Business / Finance / Possessions Corporation: A type of corporation permitted under the U.S. tax code whose branch operation in a U.S. possession can obtain tax benefits as though it were operating as a foreign subsidiary. MORE