Post Player

Entertainment / Basketball / Post Player: The position usually played by the center.
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Other Words for Player

Player Noun Synonyms: contestant, participant, competitor, contender, athlete, sportswoman, sportsman, jock

Other Words for Post

Post Adverb Synonyms: pole, stake, upright, column, pillar, pale, picket, shaft, standard, newel, pier, pylon, pile, piling, strut, shore, stanchion, leg, prop, stay, support, brace
Post Verb Synonyms: place, put, station, assign, appoint, position, situate, set, locate
Post Noun Synonyms: assignment, appointment, position, situation, job, place, duty, role, function, employment, work, task, chore


Entertainment / Basketball / Posterize: Verb; to embarrass an opponent or rival by dunking over him, or by taking advantage of a lapse on his part. For example, a player may attempt to block a dunk but fail (due to the defensive play of his MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Posterization: Photographic technique using a number of tone separated negatives which are printed on high contrast material. A master negative is made by printing these in register. The final print from this contai MORE


Health / First Aid / Posterior: Back of the body. MORE

Posted County Price (PCP)

Business / Agriculture / Posted County Price (PCP): This price is calculated for wheat and feed grains for each county by the Farm Service Agency. The PCP reflects changes in prices in major terminal grain markets (of which there are 18 in the country) MORE


Business / Agriculture / Postharvest: Refers to activities in the food and fiber sector that occur after agricultural products are sold from, or leave, the farm or ranch. In total, about 75% of the retail cost of the market basket of food MORE


Business / Accounting / Posting: The process of transferring amounts from the journal to the ledger. MORE