Entertainment / Basketball / Screen: An offensive player who stands between a teammate and a defender to give his teammate the chance to take an open shot.
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Screen Noun Synonyms: shelter, protection, shield, cover
Screen Verb Synonyms: partition, (room) divider, paravent, wall
Technology / Computers / Screen Flicker: This is generally referring to the flickering of a display screen and can be caused by a number of factors, the most important of which is the monitor's refresh rate, or the speed that the screen is r MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Screen Shot: A shot on goal that the goalie cannot see because it was taken from behind one or more players from either team standing in front of the net. MORE
Business / Finance / Screen Stocks: To analyze various stocks in search of stocks that meet predetermined criteria. For example, a simple value screen would sort all stocks by their price-to-book ratio and pick the stocks with the lowes MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Screen Plate: Plate used in early additive forms of color photography. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Screen Time: The duration of a program--which is normally shorter than the time represented in the program's narrative (that is, its story time). E.g., the story time of one soap opera episode is typically a day o MORE
Entertainment / Football / Screen Pass: A short forward pass to a receiver who has blockers in front of him. The receiver in this play is usually a running back, although wide receiver and tight end screens are also used. Although they are MORE