Entertainment / Basketball / Shut Down: verb/noun; In street ball, when a team or player does something so good (handle, play or dunk), it makes the audience go crazy and the game gets put on hold while everyone gets over it, and often ends with the player throwing the ball into the stands. Ex:. 'That is a shut down!'' 'I just shut them down!' - Special reference to 50 aka The Shutdown King.
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Shut Verb Synonyms: closed (up), sealed (up), locked (up), bolted, fastened
Shut Noun Synonyms: close, fasten, secure, shut up, lock, bolt, seal
Business / Finance / Markdown: The amount subtracted from the selling price of securities when they are sold to a dealer in the OTC market. Also, the discounted price of municipal bonds after the market has shown little interest in MORE
Business / Finance / Marking Up Or Down: The amount by which a securities dealer raises or lowers the price of a stock or bond due to changes in demand and supply. MORE
Business / Finance / Limit Up, Limit Down: The maximum price change allowed for a commodity futures contract per trading day. MORE