Entertainment / Basketball / Swing Man: A player who can play both the guard and forward positions.
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Man Noun Synonyms: staff, people, crew, cover
Man Adjective Synonyms: gentleman, male, fellow, guy, chap, bloke, squire, gink, geezer, gazabo
Swing Noun Synonyms: swinging, sway, swaying, toing and froing, coming and going, waving, fluctuation, fluctuating, flapping, flap, oscillation, oscillating, vibration, vibrating, libration, waver, wavering, wobble, wobbling, waggle, waggling, zigzag, zigzagging, wigwag, wigw
Swing Adverb Synonyms: sway, move or go to and fro or back and forth or backwards and forwards, come and go, wave, fluctuate, flap, oscillate, vibrate, librate, waver, wobble, waggle, zigzag, wigwag, flourish
Swing Verb Synonyms: hang, dangle, be hanged, be suspended
Business / Construction / Performance Bond: An amount of money (usually 10% of the total price of a job) that a contractor must put on deposit with a governmental agency as an insurance policy that guarantees the contractors' proper and timely MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Performance Counseling: The process of improving employee performance and productivity by providing the employee with feedback regarding areas where he or she is doing well and areas that may require improvement. MORE
Health / Fitness / Performance Benefit: Improvements in physical fitness as a result of exercise. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Performance Based Inspection System (PBIS): A computer-based system used by USDA’s meat and poultry inspection agency, the Food Safety and Inspection Service. The system organizes inspection requirements, schedules inspection activities, and MORE
Business / Finance / Performance Attribution Analysis: The decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. This analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) What were the major sources of a MORE
Business / Finance / Performance Evaluation: The assessment of a manager's results, which involves, first, determining whether the money manager added value by outperforming the established benchmark (performance measurement) and, second, determ MORE