Technical Fouls

Entertainment / Basketball / Technical Fouls: Also known as 't's.' Basically unsportsmanlike conduct; this can include vociferous trash talking between players, but most often involves abusive and insulting language directed at the refs. In the pros the penalty is one free throw for the opposing team; in college it's two. Can be called on coaches as well as players.
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Other Words for Technical

Technical Noun Synonyms: complex, complicated, detailed, intricate, specialized
Technical Adjective Synonyms: mechanical, applied, industrial, polytechnic, technologic(al)

Technical Fouls

Entertainment / Basketball / Technical Fouls: Also known as 't's.' Basically unsportsmanlike conduct; this can include vociferous trash talking between players, but most often involves abusive and insulting language directed at the refs. In the p MORE

Technical Director

Entertainment / Video Games / Technical Director: A person who manages programmers. There's more to it than that, but I'm tired of writing at the moment. MORE

Technical Insolvency

Business / Finance / Technical Insolvency: Variables that are used to describe the market in terms of patterns in historical data. MORE