Three-Point Line

Entertainment / Basketball / Three-Point Line: Semi-circle that is 19 feet, 9 inches from the basket at all points.
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Other Words for Line

Line Noun Synonyms: wrinkle, crease, crinkle, furrow, crow's-foot
Line Adjective Synonyms: mark, pencil-mark, pen-mark, rule, score, stroke, underline, underscore, diagonal, slash, virgule, shilling-mark, solidus, separatrix, oblique
Line Verb Synonyms: interline, cover, face, ceil

Old-Line Factoring

Business / Finance / Old-Line Factoring: Factoring arrangement that provides collection, insurance, and finance for accounts receivable. MORE

Offline Connection

Life Style / Travel / Offline Connection: When a passenger changes air carriers on their route to their destination. MORE

Nutrition Guidelines

Business / Agriculture / Nutrition Guidelines: Federal guidelines established for meals served in child nutrition meal service programs governing the types of foods and nutrient content required in order to be eligible for reimbursement. MORE

On The Sidelines

Business / Finance / On The Sidelines: An investor who decides not to invest due to market uncertainty. MORE


Business / Internet Marketing / Online: It's where you are right now -- and where the rest of the world is heading to get its information and entertainment, to communicate and buy products and services. MORE

Online Classes

Life Style / College / Online Classes: Online classes meet via computer, through an online learning management system, like WebCT. Online students log in to attend class. There they access course lectures, receive assignments, and correspo MORE