Entertainment / Basketball / Three-Point Play: A 2-point field goal followed by a successful free-throw.
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Play Adjective Synonyms: amuse oneself, frolic, frisk, cavort, gambol, caper, sport, have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself, disport (oneself), carouse
Play Noun Synonyms: amusement, frivolity, entertainment, recreation, fun, pleasure, sport, merrymaking, revelry, tomfoolery, horseplay, skylarking, monkey business, monkey tricks or monkeyshines
Play Verb Synonyms: engage, contend with, compete with or against, challenge, vie with, pit oneself against, take on, rival
Technology / Computers / Real Player: Developed by RealNetworks, this is a cross-platform multi-media player. MORE
Technology / Radar / Relative Motion Display: A type of radarscope display in which the position of own ship is normally fixed at the center of the ppi (some sets have off-center capability in relative mode of operation) and all detected objects MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Random Play: Also known as shuffle play. In CD players and changers, this function randomizes the order of selections during playback. Some CD players offer a 'Random Play with Delete' feature that prevents a piec MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Displays: A means of displaying target information in a clear and concise manner. MORE
Technology / Computers / QuickTime Player: A multimedia technology developed by Apple Computer. Developed to display video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music and 360 degree virtual reality (VR) scenes. Apple makes its QuickTime plug-in a MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Revenge Play: A Renaissance genre of drama in which the plot revolves around the hero's attempt to avenge a previous wrong by killing the perpetrator of the deed, commonly with a great deal of bloodshed and inciden MORE