
Entertainment / Basketball / Transition: When a team goes from offense to defense or defense to offense as the ball moves quickly upcourt.
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Other Words for Transition

Transition Adjective Synonyms: change, alteration, metamorphosis, change-over, transformation, transmutation, mutation, development, evolution, conversion, modification, metastasis

Market Transition Payments

Business / Agriculture / Market Transition Payments: Referred to variously as AMTA payments, contract payments, or production flexibility contract payments made to farmers under Title I (the Agriculture Market Transition Act (AMTA)) of the FAIR Act of 1 MORE

Agricultural Market Transition Act (AMTA)

Business / Agriculture / Agricultural Market Transition Act (AMTA): Title I of the FAIR Act of 1996. It allows farmers who have participated in the wheat, feed grain, cotton, and rice programs in any one of the 5 years prior to 1996 to enter into 7-year production fle MORE

Transitional Benefits-Plans

Health / Dentistry / Transitional Benefits-Plans: When an employer changes insurance carriers, transition plans enable participants already in treatment to transition to an in-network health provider. It gives the patient and their current provider a MORE

Transitional Object

Science / Psychiatry / Transitional Object: An object, other than the mother, selected by an infant between 4 and 18 months of age for self-soothing and anxiety-reduction. Examples are a security blanket or a toy that helps the infant go to sle MORE

Transition Phase

Business / Finance / Transition Phase: An option issued by a firm to its shareholders to sell the firm one share of its common stock at a fixed price (the strike price) within a stated period (the time to maturity). The put right is 'trans MORE

Transitional Employment

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Transitional Employment: Provides alternative work arrangements, such as temporary light or modified duty, for employees who have been absent from the workplace as a result of illness or injury and who have been released by t MORE