Entertainment / Basketball / Trap: A defensive tactic in which two players double-team the ball handler.
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Trap Verb Synonyms: snare, pitfall, gin, springe, deadfall, booby-trap
Trap Noun Synonyms: mouth, yap, gob, mush, face
Technology / Email / Spam-Trap Address: An email address that is set up specifically to catch people who are harvesting addresses or using directory attacks to send unsolicited email. Used by Brightmail, ISPs and many in the anti-spam commu MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Spider Trap: an endless loop of automatically generated links which can “trap” a spider program. Sometimes intentionally used to prevent automated scraping or e-mail address harvesting. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Sand Trap: (also 'trap, bunker, sand bunker') another commonly used term for a sand-filled bunker - a depression in the ground filled with a prepared surface of sand or similar MORE
Business / Construction / P Trap: Curved, 'U' section of drain pipe that holds a water seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the home through a fixtures water drain. MORE
Business / Finance / Bear Trap: The predicament facing short sellers when a bear market reverses its trend and becomes bullish. The assets continue to sell in anticipation of further declines in price, and short sellers then are for MORE
Health / Fitness / Training Straps: Strap used around the wrist and the remaining material is wrapped around the weight lifting bar to aid you in holding the weight. MORE