Entertainment / Basketball / Triangle Offense: The offensive scheme of the 1990¹s, as practiced by the Chicago Bulls and now the L.A. Lakers. Invented at USC in the 1940's, coach Tex Winter brought it to Chicago in 1985 but it was not fully implemented until the arrival of Phil Jackson in 1989. Gets its name because the set-up always begins with the 3 guards starting behind the 3-point line on the same side of the court. Superstar players dislike it because it relies on a lot of fast ball movement (i.e. Unselfish play) and it can get complicated.
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Entertainment / Basketball / Triangle Offense: The offensive scheme of the 1990¹s, as practiced by the Chicago Bulls and now the L.A. Lakers. Invented at USC in the 1940's, coach Tex Winter brought it to Chicago in 1985 but it was not fully imple MORE
Health / Yoga / Triangle (Trikonasana): A standing pose. Stand with feet 3 to 3.5 apart. Raise both arms to shoulder level, and then bring one hand down towards the floor. MORE