Entertainment / Basketball / V Cut: A fake in one direction and movement in the opposite direction in order to get open for a pass.
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Cut Noun Synonyms: share, portion, percentage, piece, dividend, commission
Cut Verb Synonyms: gash, slash, incision, nick, wound
Cut Adjective Synonyms: abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened, edited, curtailed
Business / Finance / Protective Covenant: A part of an indenture or loan agreement that limits certain actions a company may take during the term of the loan to protect the lender's interests. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Protective Atmosphere: A gas or vacuum envelope surrounding the workpieces, used to prevent or reduce the formation of oxides and other detrimental surface substances and to facilitate their removal. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Prosthetic Devices: A device that replaces all or a part of the human body because a part of the body is permanently damaged, is absent or is malfunctioning. MORE
Life Style / Adoption / Protective Factors: Strengths and resources that appear to mediate or serve as a 'buffer' against risk factors that contribute to vulnerability to maltreatment or against the negative effects of maltreatment experiences. MORE
Business / Finance / Protective Put Buying Strategy: A strategy that involves buying a put option on the underlying security that is held in a portfolio. Related: Hedge option strategies. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Protective Toning: Toning process used to protect black and white prints from fading and give archival permanence. Usually used selenium or gold toners. MORE