Aerobic Exercise

Entertainment / Bowling / Aerobic Exercise: Exercise utilizing oxygen and body fats as the main energy source. Endurance in nature and usually at submaximal levels.
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Other Words for Exercise

Exercise Noun Synonyms: work out, limber up, warm up, train, drill
Exercise Verb Synonyms: harass, annoy, irritate, vex, harry, distress, worry, concern, burden, try, trouble, perturb, disturb, agitate, make nervous, drive crazy, drive up the wall
Exercise Adjective Synonyms: employ, apply, practise, bring to bear, put to use or effect, discharge, exert, wield, execute, utilize, effect

Isometric Exercise

Health / Fitness / Isometric Exercise: Muscular contraction where muscle maintains a constant length and joints do not move. These exercises are usually performed against a wall or other immovable object. MORE

Isotonic Exercise

Health / Fitness / Isotonic Exercise: Muscular action in which there is a change in length of muscle and weight, keeping tension constant. Lifting free weights is a classic isotonic exercise. MORE

Low-Impact Aerobics

Health / Fitness / Low-Impact Aerobics: A traditional dance-inspired routine in which you always have one foot on the floor — you don’t do any jumping or hopping. High/low combines the two types of routines. MORE

Isolation Exercise

Health / Fitness / Isolation Exercise: Weight lifting exercise that stimulate just a single muscle group. Good for defining a muscle. MORE

High-Impact Aerobics

Health / Fitness / High-Impact Aerobics: A traditional dance-inspired routine that involves jumping or hopping and moves at a slower pace than low-impact aerobics. High/low combines the two types of routines. MORE

Eye Exercises

Health / Yoga / Eye Exercises: A warm-up pose. Roll your eyes in different directions. Rub your eyes with warm palms. MORE