Entertainment / Bowling / All Events: A score based on a bowler's combined total from singles, doubles, and team events in a given tournament For example, in a tournament, you bowl 3 games each for team, singles and doubles. The total for the 9 games is your All Events total and is eligible for additional prizes.
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Science / Tides and Currents / Overfalls: Breaking waves caused by the meeting of currents or by waves moving against the current. See rip. MORE
Life Style / Painting / Ox Gall: Derived from the bile of domestic cows or other bovines, ox gall is added to paint as a surfactant or wetting agent to allow paint to flow more freely. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Palladium (Pd): Atomic number: 46, Atomic mass: 106.42 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 2.2, Density: 11.9 g.cm-3 at 20°C, Melting point: 1560 °C, Boiling point: 2927 °C, Isotopes: 9, Vanderwaals radius: 0.065 nm (+2) MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Overall Weight: (also 'dead weight') the total weight of a golf club (see also 'swingweight') MORE
Business / Finance / Overall Market Price Coverage: Total assets less intangibles divided by the total of the market value of the security issue and the book value of liabilities and issues having a prior claim. This is used to determine how much of th MORE
Technology / Motors / Open Externally-Ventilated Machine: A machine which is ventilated with external air by means of a separate motor-driven blower mounted on machine enclosure. MORE