Entertainment / Bowling / Bed Posts: The 7-10 split.
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Science / Geology / Graded Bedding: A rock layer that has a progressive change in particle size from top to bottom. Most common is a sequence with coarse grains at the bottom and fining upwards, which is typically caused by a declining MORE
Life Style / Travel / Lower (Bed): In a cruise stateroom, the bed(s) on the floor as opposed to the higher bunks (uppers), if any. On many ships, two lowers can be arranged to make a king or queen bed but not always. Be sure to ask. MORE
Life Style / Travel / Murphy Bed: A bed that folds or swings into a closet or cabinet when not in use. Where offered in cruise accommodations, a murphy bed is typically used for the third or fourth occupants of the stateroom. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Goalposts: The metal bars that frame the area to which the net is attached which rests on the center of the goal line and between which a puck must pass to score a goal. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Goal Posts: The 7-10 split. Same as bedposts. MORE
Life Style / Coffee / Fluid Bed Roaster: A roasting apparatus that works much like a giant popcorn popper, utilizing a column of forced hot air to simultaneously agitate and roast green coffee beans. These devices are sometimes called Sivitz MORE