Beer Frame

Entertainment / Bowling / Beer Frame: In team play (usually of three or more players), either (a) a pre-designated frame in which the player with the lowest pin count on the first ball buys some type of refreshment; or (b) when all but one of the players in any frame get strikes; the one not striking buys the refreshments for the others.
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Other Words for Frame

Frame Noun Synonyms: framework, shell, form, skeleton, support, chassis, framing, structure, fabric, scaffolding, construction
Frame Verb Synonyms: enclose, box (in), set off


Technology / Computers / Mainframe: Mostly a mainframe is only a mainframe when compared to a desktop computer. It's bigger and much more powerful. Sometimes it's called a server or CPU. MORE

Loop Frame

Technology / Motorcycle / Loop Frame: Early motorcycle frame design in which the downtube curves underneath the engine case and then upward to become the seat-post. The earliest motorcycle builders were adapting gasoline engines to 19th c MORE

Masking Frame

Entertainment / Photography / Masking Frame: Is an adjustable frame used to hold printing paper in position under the enlarger, also referred to as an enlarging easel. MORE