Entertainment / Bowling / Big Count: Usually refers to the number of pins after a string of strikes or a spare; usually means 9 pins, but could mean 8. i.e., he needs a big count to win.
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Big Adjective Synonyms: large, great, grand, huge, enormous, immense, gigantic, giant, tremendous, colossal, Brobdingnagian, jumbo, socking or whacking big or great, humongous
Big Adverb Synonyms: pompously, boastfully, conceitedly, arrogantly, pretentiously
Count Noun Synonyms: count up or off, enumerate, number, calculate, add up, total, reckon, compute, tally, figure up, quantify, figure out
Count Verb Synonyms: include, consider, regard, deem, judge, look on or upon
Entertainment / Golf / Hitting The Big Ball Before The Little Ball: Another phrase for hitting the ball fat (the big ball being the earth) MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Health Savings Accounts (HSA): A tax-free account that can be used by employees to pay for qualified medical expenses. Contributions do not have to be spent the year they are deposited. Money in the account earns interest and accum MORE
Health / Dentistry / Health Savings Account (HSA) : A reimbursement account in which the participant pays for health costs through a fully insured, tax-exempt savings account. Employees or employers or both fund the account. An HSA is subject to regula MORE
Business / Finance / Homeowners Equity Account: Idea that as long as individuals borrow (or lend) on the same terms as the firm, they can duplicate the effects of corporate leverage on their own. Thus, if levered firms are priced too high, rational MORE
Business / Finance / House Account: Firms that conduct business as broker-dealers in securities or in the investment banking field are charaterized as houses. MORE
Business / Finance / Individual Retirement Account (IRA): For foreign exchange, the number of units of a foreign currency needed to buy one U.S. dollar. MORE