Entertainment / Bowling / Closed Pocket: A full rack of pins set up for your strike ball such that the head pin is a tad off spot towards your ball hand; i.e., to the right for a right handed player; closed pockets can give unpredictable results, often negative. See also open pocket.
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Pocket Adjective Synonyms: pouch, sack, bag, receptacle, reticule, satchel
Pocket Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, crater
Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Pocket: Copayments, deductibles or fees paid by participants for health services or prescriptions. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Hold The Line or Pocket: Describes the reaction of a ball that hits the hold spot. i.e., The ball held pocket. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Pocket Maximum: The most a plan member will pay per year for covered health expenses before the plan pays 100% of covered health expenses for the rest of that year. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Periodontal Pocket: An abnormal deepening of the gingival crevice. It is caused when disease and infection destroy the ligament that attaches the gum to the tooth and the underlying bone. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Pocket: The desirable location for the ball to hit the pins to maximize strike potential. Generally the area between the 1-3 pins (right hand player) or the 1-2 pins (left hand player). This is the target for MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Hammer The Pocket: Hitting the pocket consistently. MORE