Entertainment / Bowling / Crossover: A ball thrown on the first shot that misses your pocket and hits either on the wrong pocket or even misses farther to the wrong pocket side.
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Technology / Home Audio / Crossover Network: A unit which divides the audio spectrum into two or more frequency bands (Also see Crossover Frequencies). MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Built-In Crossovers: Frequently used to limit the high-frequencies reaching a subwoofer, a low-pass filter crossover allows only frequencies below the crossover point to be amplified. A high-pass crossover allows only fre MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Crossover Frequencies: The frequencies at which a passive or electronic crossover network divides the audio signals, which are then routed to the appropriate amplifiers or speakers. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Crossover Dribble: When a ball handler dribbles the ball across his body from one hand to the other. Also called 'rocking the baby.' MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Butterworth Crossover: A type of crossover circuit utilizing low-pass filter design characterized by having a maximally flat magnitude response, i.e., no variation in the amplitude response in the domain of the passband. MORE
Business / Finance / Crossover Rate: The holding by one corporation of shares in another firm. One needs to allow for cross-holdings when aggregating capitalizations of firms. Ignoring cross-holdings leads to double-counting. MORE