Fill Ball

Entertainment / Bowling / Fill Ball: The ball thrown after a spare in the tenth frame.
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Other Words for Fill

Fill Verb Synonyms: crowd, stuff, cram, jam, load, burden, pack, squeeze

Hitting The Big Ball Before The Little Ball

Entertainment / Golf / Hitting The Big Ball Before The Little Ball: Another phrase for hitting the ball fat (the big ball being the earth) MORE

House Ball

Entertainment / Bowling / House Ball: A ball provided by the center to its customers. Usually, but not always, they are of less quality than modern high tech equipment, usually polyester or hard urethane, not resin. Sometimes used as an e MORE

Jump Ball

Entertainment / Basketball / Jump Ball: A jump ball starts every game and occurs when a referee tosses the ball into the air between two players from opposite teams. During games a jump ball is called when two players from opposite teams ga MORE

Junk Ball

Entertainment / Bowling / Junk Ball: A ball thrown with little rotation and little power. MORE

Hit Up On The Ball

Entertainment / Bowling / Hit Up On The Ball: The act at the release point of coming through the ball with a strong finger release; a ball that is hit hard will tend to be very powerful; used to describe a good release feeling .. I really hit tha MORE


Entertainment / Liquor / Highballs: Any liquor served with ice, soda, plain water, ginger-ale or other carbonated beverages. MORE