Entertainment / Bowling / Grandmas Teeth: The 4-6-7-10 split or any of the big five split combinations; so called because it looks like a mouth with missing teeth. Any non-standard leave.
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Health / Disease / Teething: The entire process which results in the eruption of the teeth. Nineteenth-century medical reports stated that infants were more prone to disease at the time of teething. Symptoms were restlessness, fr MORE
Health / Dentistry / Primary Teeth: The first set of teeth that humans get, lasting until the permanent teeth come in. Also referred to as deciduous teeth or baby teeth. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Permanent Teeth: The thirty-two adult teeth that replace the baby, or primary teeth. Also known as secondary teeth. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Grandmas Teeth: The 4-6-7-10 split or any of the big five split combinations; so called because it looks like a mouth with missing teeth. Any non-standard leave. MORE