Entertainment / Bowling / Head Pin: The 1-pin.
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Head Adjective Synonyms: skull, pate, cranium, dome, coco(nut), belfry, noggin, bean, nut, rocker, noodle, gourd, conk, crumpet, noddle, loaf
Head Noun Synonyms: front, vanguard, forefront, van, fore-part
Pin Noun Synonyms: brooch, clip, stickpin, tie-pin, scarf-pin, tie tack
Pin Verb Synonyms: peg, dowel, bolt, thole, thole-pin, spike, rivet, drawing-pin, push-pin
Entertainment / Photography / Pinhole Camera: Camera without a lens which uses a very small hole pierced in one end to allow light to pass through and form an image on the back of the camera which can be covered by film. MORE
Health / Yoga / Pingala Nadi : One of the main energy channels running on the right side of the spine from the mooladhara (base) chakra to the ajna chakra in the head by intersecting various chakras on the way. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Ping Hua: A Chinese yarn or tall tale. The genre typically involves a strong narrative presence and colloquial or idiomatic Chinese. The tone is realistic, but the content is typically fantastic or hyperbolic. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Pink Noise: Pink noise is a random noise source characterized by a flat amplitude response per octave band of frequency, i.e., it has equal energy, or constant power, per octave. Pink noise is created by passing MORE