Lose The Shot

Entertainment / Bowling / Lose The Shot: When you start missing the pocket after several frames of being consistently in the pocket.
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Other Words for Lose

Lose Noun Synonyms: mislay, misplace, displace, part with, suffer the loss of, be deprived of
Lose Verb Synonyms: give up, yield, capitulate, admit defeat, succumb, bow to, be defeated or conquered, suffer defeat, be beaten or overcome or worsted or bested, lose out

Other Words for Shot

Shot Noun Synonyms: marksman, markswoman, sharpshooter, sniper, rifleman
Shot Adjective Synonyms: discharge, shooting

Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

Reading The Lane

Entertainment / Bowling / Reading The Lane: Experimentation, usually during practice, to determine the characteristics of a lane. Some lanes are faster than others, some will allow a bigger hook while others will hold the ball back, etc. MORE

Reading The Defense

Entertainment / Football / Reading The Defense: Recognition by the quarterback of the defensive formation; he may then call an audible to adjust the offense. MORE

Reading The Lanes

Entertainment / Bowling / Reading The Lanes: The process of discovering how your ball reacts on different portions of the lane surface; hopefully, finding the best area to use to maximize strike potential. MORE

Reading The Tape

Business / Finance / Reading The Tape: Judging the performance of stocks by monitoring changes in price as they are displayed on the ticker tape. MORE


Business / Finance / Rehypothecation: Pledging to banks by securities brokers of the amount in customers' margin account as collateral for broker loans, which are used to cover margin loans to customers for margin purchases and selling sh MORE

Regression Toward The Mean

Business / Finance / Regression Toward The Mean: The tendency that a random variable will ultimately have a value closer to its mean value. MORE