Entertainment / Bowling / Match: 3, 5, or 10 strings (per player) game between opponents.
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Match Noun Synonyms: equal, equivalent, peer, equivalent, fellow, mate, parallel, replica, copy, double, twin, look-alike, facsimile, counterpart
Match Verb Synonyms: fit, go with, suit, accord, agree, harmonize, go (together), coordinate, blend, correspond
Business / Finance / Plus A Match: Used for listed equity securities. Floor indication that someone is on the floor with equal priority standing who wants to buy/sell at least the same number of shares at the same price as one's own or MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Content Match: A pay-per-click campaign tactic that helps your ads display on sites throughout the Yahoo! Distribution network. With Content Match, a number of variables can be used to determine your ad’s placemen MORE
Business / Finance / Matched Book: A bank runs a matched book when the of maturities of its assets and liabilities is distribution equal. MORE
Life Style / Adoption / Matching: The process of finding prospective families specifically suited to meet the needs of a waiting child, not to be confused with 'placement.” MORE
Business / Finance / Matching Concept: The accounting principle that requires the recognition of all costs that are associated with the generation of the revenue reported in the income statement. MORE
Business / Finance / Matched Sale Transaction: Applies mainly to convertible securities. Procedure whereby the Federal Reserve Bank of New York sells government securities to a nonbank dealer against payment in federal funds. The agreement require MORE